Installation Guide: ArgoCD on Linux with Minikube and Argo CLI

Kuldip Mori
3 min readJan 22, 2025


This guide covers the installation of Minikube and ArgoCD on Ubuntu 22.04, enabling a local Kubernetes cluster for GitOps workflows. It includes steps to set up Minikube, install ArgoCD within a dedicated namespace, retrieve admin credentials, access the web interface, and configure the Argo CLI for command-line management.


I performed these installation steps on Ubuntu — 20.04.6 LTS with Admin access (sudo access).

Step 1: Install Minikube

Minikube provides a local Kubernetes cluster for testing and development.

1.1 Download Minikube:

curl -LO

1.2 Install Minikube:

sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube && rm minikube-linux-amd64

1.3 Verify Minikube installation:

minikube version

1.4 Start Minikube:

minikube start

1.5 List all running pods in Kubernetes:

kubectl get pods - all-namespaces

Step 2: Create Namespace for ArgoCD

Namespaces allow isolating resources in Kubernetes.

2.1 Create a namespace for ArgoCD:

kubectl create ns argo

2.2 Verify the namespace:

kubectl get ns

Step 3: Install ArgoCD in Minikube

ArgoCD is a declarative GitOps continuous delivery tool.

3.1 Apply ArgoCD manifests to install ArgoCD:

kubectl apply -n argo -f

-n specifies the namespace (in this case, argo).
-f fetches the configuration files from the specified URL.

Verify the installation:

3.2 Check the running pods:

kubectl get pods -n argo

3.3 Check the services:

kubectl get svc -n argo

Step 4: Retrieve ArgoCD Admin Credentials

4.1 Get the initial admin secret:

kubectl get secret -n argo argocd-initial-admin-secret -o yaml

apiVersion: v1
password: bUVmaEJJWThDUTc0T3VKSA==
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2025-01-22T06:11:36Z"
name: argocd-initial-admin-secret
namespace: argo
resourceVersion: "1413"
uid: 8a1ec989-20da-4b68-8815-50af2702cf69
type: Opaque

4.2 Extract and decode the password:

# In my case
echo -n "bUVmaEJJWThDUTc0T3VKSA==" | base64 -d

Example output:

4.3 Retrieve the password in a single command:

$ kubectl -n argo get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo

Step 5: Access ArgoCD Web Interface

5.1 Forward port 443 to the default port (2746):

# I am forwarding port 2746; feel free to use any port that is open.
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argo 2746:443

5.2 Open the ArgoCD web interface in your browser:


Login Page

Username: admin
Password: The decoded password from the previous step in step 4.2 or 4.3

Step 6: Install Argo CLI & Login

Argo CLI allows ArgoCD to be managed from the command line.

6.1 Fetch the latest version number from GitHub:

VERSION=$(curl -L -s

6.2 Download the Argo CLI binary:

curl -sSL -o argocd-linux-amd64$VERSION/argocd-linux-amd64

6.3 Install the binary locally:

sudo install -m 555 argocd-linux-arm64 /usr/local/bin/argocd

6.4 Remove the downloaded file after installation:

rm argocd-linux-arm64

6.5 Check the version of ArgoCD

$ argocd version

argocd: v2.13.2+dc43124
BuildDate: 2024-12-11T19:01:33Z
GitCommit: dc43124058130db9a747d141d86d7c2f4aac7bf9
GitTreeState: clean
GoVersion: go1.22.9
Compiler: gc
Platform: linux/amd64
argocd-server: v2.13.2+dc43124
BuildDate: 2024-12-11T18:37:15Z
GitCommit: dc43124058130db9a747d141d86d7c2f4aac7bf9
GitTreeState: clean
GoVersion: go1.23.1
Compiler: gc
Platform: linux/amd64
Kustomize Version: v5.4.3 2024-07-19T16:40:33Z
Helm Version: v3.15.4+gfa9efb0
Kubectl Version: v0.31.0
Jsonnet Version: v0.20.0

6.6 Login in ArgoCD with CLI

# port depends on steps 5.1
# same credentials from step 4.2

$ argocd login localhost:2746
WARNING: server certificate had error: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority. Proceed insecurely (y/n)? y
Username: admin
'admin:login' logged in successfully
Context 'localhost:2746' updated


You have successfully installed and configured:

  • Minikube for running Kubernetes locally.
  • ArgoCD within a Kubernetes namespace (argo).
  • Argo CLI for managing ArgoCD instances from the command line.

You can now access the ArgoCD web interface and start managing your applications with GitOps!



Kuldip Mori
Kuldip Mori

Written by Kuldip Mori

DevOps engineer — Ahemdabad

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